Opinionated Science: Connecting the Brain: “Thought Tetris”, Brain Privacy and Neuralink

In this episode, the team discuss efforts to let your brain communicate beyond the limits of your head. Whilst much of this research is still in early stages,

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Podcast Summary

In this episode, the team discuss efforts to let your brain communicate beyond the limits of your head. Whilst much of this research is still in early stages, scientists have shown how individuals can share thoughts through brain wave-based games of Tetris, and tech entrepreneurs have looked to a future where brains can be directly joined with computers. We look into these technologies’ potential to help paralysis patients and the ethical implications of a network of interconnected brains.

Opinionated Science is Technology Networks’ homemade podcast, where our team of scientists-turned-journalists cut out the chewy jargon and serve up slices of the most fascinating stories from the world of science. Expect a new Opinionated Science every other Friday.

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Ruairi Mackenzie
Podcast Host
Ruairi Mackenzie
Science Writer


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Ash Board PhD
Editorial Director

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