
Diagnosing Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases may be caused by a plethora of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites and finding the culprit is key to treatment and resolution. While some infections may be quickly apparent and easy to identify, others can go undetected, potentially causing harm, and prove difficult to definitively diagnose and thus effectively treat.

Download this infographic to learn:

  • How infectious diseases are diagnosed
  • Ways to detect the pathogen itself and the patient’s response to infection
  • The types of assays that are used to achieve this, their strengths and limitations


Download this eBook to explore:

  • The Romanesco Cauliflower’s Spiraling Structure
  • How infection can be combatted using a smart bandage
  • The genetics of endometriosis, the birthing brain and cancer vaccines
  • Innovative applications of microbes

Download the Infographic for FREE Now!

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