Opinionated Science: How Data Integrity Can Stop You Getting Fined $500 Million

In this episode, the team explore cancer immunotherapy, a revolutionary set of treatments that has fundamentally changed cancer care.

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Podcast Summary

In this episode, we explore data integrity – a pillar of good science. We hear from our expert speakers how modern labs can improve their data and, of course, what happens when mistakes or fraud compromises data integrity.

Opinionated Science is Technology Networks’ homemade podcast, where our team of scientists-turned-journalists cut out the chewy jargon and serve up slices of the most fascinating stories from the world of science. Expect a new Opinionated Science every other Friday.

Download the latest Opinionated Science and receive our infographic, Data and Data Integrity.


Bob McDowall
Director, R D McDowall Limited

Jeff Vannest
Senior Director of Product Management

Podcast Host
Ruairi Mackenzie
Science Writer

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