Opinionated Science: Cancer Immunotherapy: Vaccines, Viruses and Nobel Prizes

In this episode, the team explore cancer immunotherapy, a revolutionary set of treatments that has fundamentally changed cancer care.

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Podcast Summary

In this episode, the team explore cancer immunotherapy, a revolutionary set of treatments that has fundamentally changed cancer care. In exploring how our immune system can be turned against cancer, we follow a trail from ancient China to the cutting edge of medical research and look to a personalized future for immunotherapy.

Opinionated Science is Technology Networks’ homemade podcast, where our team of scientists-turned-journalists cut out the chewy jargon and serve up slices of the most fascinating stories from the world of science. Expect a new Opinionated Science every other Friday.

Download the latest Opinionated Science and receive our exclusive infographic, What Is Cancer Immunotherapy?, completely FREE.
Ruairi Mackenzie
Podcast Host
Ruairi Mackenzie
Science Writer


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Laura Lansdowne
Senior Science Writer

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