The Futuristic Lab

In this episode, the team is joined by Claudia Consoli, the Facility Lead for qPCR at Central Biotechnology Services in Cardiff, Jon Baize, the Senior Product Manager for Thermo Fisher Scientific Connect Platform™, and David Joyce, the Director of Product Management at Thermo Fisher Scientific. They explore the fundamental requirements for future laboratories and discuss how innovative technologies are rapidly advancing.

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Podcast Summary

In this episode, the team is joined by Claudia Consoli, the Facility Lead for qPCR at Central Biotechnology Services in Cardiff, Jon Baize, the Senior Product Manager for Thermo Fisher Scientific Connect Platform™, and David Joyce, the Director of Product Management at Thermo Fisher Scientific. They explore the fundamental requirements for future laboratories and discuss how innovative technologies are rapidly advancing.

Opinionated Science is Technology Networks’ homemade podcast, where our team of scientists-turned-journalists cut out the chewy jargon and serve up slices of the most fascinating stories from the world of science. Expect a new Opinionated Science every other Friday.

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Claudia Consoli
Facility Lead for qPCR
Central Biotechnology Services, Cardiff

Jon Baize
Senior Product Manager
Thermo Fisher Scientific Connect Platform™

David Joyce
Director of Product Management
Thermo Fisher Scientific

Podcast Host
Lucy Lawrence
Custom Content Producer

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